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Saturday, January 06, 2007 |
I'm bored out of my skull. So you all get this:
in three words:
1. Where is your cell phone? in my pocket
2. Boyfriend/girlfriend? have a wife
3. Your hair? is totally awesome
4. Your mother? lives in manteca
5. Your father? lives in livermore
6. Your favorite item? is my daughter
7. Your dream last night? do not remember
8. Your favorite drink? iced midori sour
9. Your dream car? a lamborghini diablo
10. The room you are in? my computer room
12. Your fear? not realizing expectations
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? 39 years old
14. Who did you hang out with last niight? kayla, nicki, dogs
15. What you're not? perfect, in shape
16. Muffins? love muffins okay?
17: One of your wish list items? to be an actor
18: What time is it? ten ten pm
19. The last thing you did? checked on kayla
20. What are you wearing? my birthday suit
22. Your favorite book? i dont read
23. The last thing you ate? dinner at 8
24. Your life? mundane, uninspiring, meaningful
25. Your mood? indifferent, solemn, content
26. Your friends? are in oregon
27. What are you thinking about right now? is this done
28. Your car: blue ford taurus
29. What are you doing at the moment? filling this out
30. Your summer? kayla was born
31. Your relationship status? im currently married,
32. What is on your tv? a blue screen
33. When is the last time you laughed? 20 minutes ago
34. Last time you cried? july of 2006
35. School? NOT FOR ME |
posted by
10:15 PM
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Name: Ricky Borba
About Me: Why yes, yes I am Ricky Borba.
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