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Thursday, March 26, 2009 |
Things I know about myself.
I probably shouldn't be writing this right now because I'm upset. But writing is therapeutic for me, so here goes. I just need to write this stuff down to make myself feel better about myself, as lame and stupid as that may sound.
I know I'm lazy. But I make up for it by working hard at the really important things in life.
I know I haven't been the best husband, father, son, brother, cousin, friend in my life. But I make up for it by loving the best way I know how, with everything that I have inside of me.
I know I don't always walk my talk. But I make up for it by at least trying, every day.
I know I don't own a lot of things. But I'd still be willing to give you the shirt off my back if you needed it.
I know I have a big mouth sometimes. But I make up for it by admitting I was wrong, asking for forgiveness and trying to learn from it.
I know I'm 31 and didn't have a clue what I was supposed to do with my life until last year. But I made up for it by never compromising what was important to me or forgetting what my true passions and desires are.
I know I come off as "black and white" sometimes. But I make up for it by doing my homework and sincerely believing in what I believe in with all of my heart.
I know I don't have a lot of time these days to give my true friends the time I'd like to. But I make up for it by letting them know all the time how much I love and appreciate their friendship.
I know I might come off as too care-free. But I make up for it by caring about a great many things.
I know I'm someone that isn't worth a damn to some people. But I make up for it by being valuable to everyone else I have a relationship with.
I know I come off as having strong opinions about my faith and how I let that guide my paths. But I make up for it by being sincere about it, and unwilling to change for anyone just to make them happy.
I know I'm not in the best shape. But I make up for it by spending quality time with my family, friends and children, enjoying everything life has to offer.
I know that I don't always know what I'm doing or where I'm going. But I make up for it by knowing how to get back on the path when I veer off of it.
I know I might not be someone that everyone wants to be around or converse with. But I make up for it by never allowing that to be the reason I stop caring about them.
I know I say things that might come off as hurtful sometimes. But I make up for it by knowing that it comes from a good place that was only intended to help you grow.
I know I'm selfish sometimes. But I make up for it by putting others first 99.9% of the time.
I know I might not get out of my comfort bubble that often. But I make up for it by participating in something that is greater than myself.
I know I struggle with letting my anger get the best of me sometimes. But I make up for it by not letting that happen very often.
I know I am a walking contradiction sometimes. But I make up for it by not allowing that to be a regular occurrence.
I know I'm human. But I make up for it by never forgetting that. |
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11:50 PM
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Name: Ricky Borba
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