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Saturday, November 15, 2008
I've been cleaning my garage the past few days...

Going through old boxes, finding old photos, old memories, etc. Today I found this letter from one of the kids at the Adolescent Center I worked at in 2003. I can't make out the signature, so I don't even know which kid wrote it, but it made me feel good today when I read it. That was the hardest job I've ever had, because I truly loved those kids, and hated having to try and help them in an environment that was run by a bunch of complete f*&%$ng morons that didn't know the first thing about truly making a difference in a child's life, let alone giving them the tools they needed to get better.

I especially like the P.S. of the letter though. :)

(I'm not editing spelling or grammar)


Ricky, you are the most awsome staff ever at Stars. Every client at Stars will miss you and your funny self. Sometimes just being a supportive friend to us kids makes all the difference in our lives. Thanx for the hat, and letting me A.W.O.L. last tuesday. I hope you get your new job on TV so I can tell everyone I know you and you gave me my hat. Oh, by the way my dad. likes the hat, more than my mohawk! It's really too bad that Stars is closing because I'm gonna miss waking up to your nonsense tuesday - saturday every week. Oh, well, I'll keep in touch. GOOD LUCK!

P.S. you couldn't kick my head off
posted by Ricky @ 5:09 PM  
  • At 11/16/2008 08:47:00 PM, Blogger Yana said…

    Awww. That made me want to find letters from MY experience. Turns out they were, um, different.

    My top 3:

    1. "Dear Dana. I am sorry for grabbing your breast. I hope you can forgive me for grabbing your breast...."

    2. "Sorry for throwing my stuffy at you on purpos."

    3. "Sorry Dana for biting you, and strugling, kicking you. Sorry for hid under my bed and hold on to the bodem."

    I'm pretty sure I made a difference. Whether it was positive, I don't know...

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