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Sunday, March 02, 2008
Someday Kayla and Brielle will probably ask me...

Why they're not allowed to have cats. While the list is extensive, here are a few of the highlights:

1. It's a scientific fact that cats steal your breath while you sleep.
2. They suck.
3. What good are they for anyway?
4. The only people who love cats are crazy people who eat crayons.
5. If you get scratched by a cat, you're pretty mucha gone-er. Say hello to a stay at the hospital. Have fun with that.
6. Cat urine is impossible to clean. So if your new wife's cat urinates on your honeymoon suitcase (the day of your wedding) full of all of the brand new clothes you bought and were going to wear on said honeymoon, do what I did. Call your brother while honeymooning and ask him to have the cat put to sleep. YOU PISS ON MY CLOTHES, YOU TAKE A PERMANENT NAP.

And perhaps the most damming reason Kayla and Brielle will never own a cat is THIS VIDEO. Creepiest thing I've ever seen.

posted by Ricky @ 10:50 PM  
  • At 3/03/2008 09:32:00 AM, Blogger Brynn said…

    I also hate cats.
    In high school in pysiology class we had to skin dead cats and then disect out their muscles/organs and stuff...I had a blast!

    People in my class thought I was a sick person because I was excited to be surrounded by dead, skinless cats...now that I type that, perhpas that is a little crazy.

    Cats suck.

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